Joyful Obedience
I began reading the book of Romans, a chapter a day, a few days ago. And what has repeatedly come to my mind as I read is the reality that the joy of knowing Christ is what makes it possible to live the Christian lifestyle.
Adam and Eve had only one rule. The fact that the fruit on that tree was forbidden made it all the more appealing to them and they caved in to the temptation.
Today we are no different from Adam and Eve. We bristle when we are told we can’t. It doesn’t matter what it is we can’t do, or if it is in our best interest or not. We seem to think that we should be free to do anything and everything that crosses our mind. If we are told we can’t do something, just like Adam and Eve it makes us all the more determined to do it.
Romans 7:7-11 explains that it was the law that opened our eyes to sin and influenced us to desire to do the very things that God hates. It is the same rebellion that existed in Adam and Eve.
God gave us rules to live by in the Bible because he wanted us to truly live. God knows exactly how we are wired and what makes us tick because he made us. This must be why he has been so patient with us when we rebel right in his face. But there are limits to his tolerance. Just as he sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, there will be a day of judgement for us. God will not allow sin to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Even though our natural bent is to break his rules and do things our own way, God gave us a way out – a way to break the curse of sin. He gave us the gift of his Son, Jesus. If we are willing to really look at Jesus through the eyes of God’s Word, we will discover how much God really loves us. When we recognize our sin for what it really is – rebellion against God – and accept what Jesus endured to make his life sacrifice for our sins, our hearts are changed from the inside out filling our hearts with gratitude and making it a joy to obey God’s rules. We recognize that God’s rules are there to help us, not to bar us from doing what we want to do.
I’m not claiming it is an easy path to follow, even after you accept Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins. The Apostle Paul continued to struggle with sin issues. See Romans 7:14-25. But the joy of knowing Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit was there helping him through his struggles – the kind that most of us will never have to endure.
Who would you rather serve? Someone you love or someone you hate? Joyful obedience starts with loving God and his Son, Jesus. Until that happens you will struggle to follow his rules.
Father God, thank you for being so patient with us. Thank you for the many people who have willingly given their lives that we might have your Word and that we might truly know you as you wish to be known. Give us hearts that want to accept you for who you are, hearts and hands that want to serve you joyfully.