Mary Visits Elizabeth – Luke 1:39-56
Gabriel shared the news with Mary
About Elizabeth so old
And of the special son she carried;
Yes, two great babies were foretold.
Mary rushed to see her cousin
And share the angel’s words.
Elizabeth’s baby leaped inside her
When Mary’s voice he heard.
Read this account for yourself in Luke 1:39-56
Two pregnant women with news to share that no one else in the world would understand… That’s what happened the day Mary knocked on Elizabeth’s door. Even Elizabeth’s unborn child knew the excitement of that moment and leaped in her womb.
Mary’s joy burst into song as she sang what has become known as The Magnificat – Mary’s song of praise. Read it for yourself at Luke 1:46-55. You can choose more than one translation to read if you like. Mary’s song proclaims how God exalts the lowly and humbles the proud and haughty.
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. Simple math brings me to assume she probably stayed until John was born, as Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy. Mary was likely a big help to her aged cousin during her last three months of pregnancy, and staying with her in a distant place gave her a temporary escape from the public eye as Baby Jesus began to grow inside her.
Who do you go to when you have good news to share? What is the best possible news you could share with someone? Do you have joy in your heart from knowing Jesus? Does it give you a great desire to share the good news? If so, don’t hesitate to share it with someone today.
If you feel yourself lacking in this joy, I encourage you to ask God to lead you to deeper channels of faith where you will find it. God wants to fellowship with you and to give you his peace and joy.
This devotional message corresponds to the fourth mini-story in The First Christmas by Janice D. Green. It is available here.