HomeBible LessonsJoyful Obedience


Joyful Obedience — 4 Comments

  1. I guess that if somebody is given a reason for why there’s a rule, they may be more willing to follow it. It’s the regulations that aren’t explained to us that we don’t feel inclined to obey.

    • That is often the case. It certainly helps to know the reasons behind the rules we are expected to follow.

      I tend to think Paul was addressing another part of human nature – to test the rules, to see what we can get away with. We are prone to think of rules as restrictions instead of life-giving guidelines to improve our lives. We tend to be like the dog or fox on a chain that spends it’s time at the full length of the chain creating a circular path around the point where the chain is attached. Or for those whose lives illustrate the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side.” We think something else will be better than what we have, and that includes doing things that fall outside the guidelines we have been given to follow.

  2. I love this post. It reminded me of “The Jesus Storybook Bible” I’m reading during “Children’s Moments” each Sunday at church. Whenever law is mentioned, it says in effect “God gave us rules because He wants us to be happy and He knows that following these rules is what will make us have happy lives.” It thrills me that the children who hear the Word from that book will grow up with a different picture from those who think God makes up “rules” to make us miserable. You keep up your good work!

    • Thank you Amy for your encouraging words. I wish it were easier to get people to recognize that God’s rules made life richer and not just restricted. It is a difficult concept for many to grasp.

      “The Jesus Storybook Bible” is a great resource for teaching children.

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